Wednesday, 29 June 2011


I recently did some research regarding a question by one of our Helena School Board Trustees. He wanted to know why we had over crowded classes in our valley schools and were hiring paras rather than teachers because we had no space. I knew that at Rossiter School in our valley we housed Head Start so I went there to investigate the situation.  What I found out was that Rossiter School not only houses Head Start they also house a class for the Intermountain Children's home- all while their classes are over crowded. I was curious about how many other Head Start classes were held in our public schools so I called Head Start.

The young lady I talked to was very cheerful and gave me all the information I needed to know in less than 2 minutes. We have, in addition to the Head Start class at Rossiter, 2 Head Starts at Lincoln School which is closed to our elementary school students here, and 2 Head Start classes at Ray Bjork school which is also closed to our public school students here. East Helena also has 2 Head Start classes at East Gate public School and there are Head Starts in the public schools in Townsend. Clearly if I was interested in statewide or nationwide Head Starts she could have told me that there are public schools across the nation housing them. Why is this? What has happened to the K-12 mission of our public schools?

Then it occurred to me. If school reform is about improving academics it has been a dismal failure here and nationwide, but if it is about advancing socialist principals and ideas it has been a bang up success. In Helena and across the nation due to Federal Grants some schools are giving free food all day long to students , in class, irregardless of how much their parents make. Every school here in Helena now has a daycare program. Children can be taken care of at school from 8 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'lock at night.We house preschool and now in our high schools are getting into vocational training like colleges and vocational education facilities.

Our children in elementary school here are being taught global warming and conservation theories in their new "Health Enhancement" curriculum as if they were facts. They are virtually to be turned into little psychoanalysts as they learn to identify bipolar personalities, schizophrenia and other psychosis in this same program. Clearly in an attempt to structure attitudes they are being taught Indian Education in every subject (including math) and sex education such as knowing barriers to anal and oral sex in 5th grade. The behavior programs are many (Buddy, Bully, Dare etc.) and they are oppressive, striving to take away individuality from students and teachers.

Some of you may agree with using school to change society. You may believe that our schools should be social service centers. Maybe you think you're a citizen of the world too. I don't. I'm a very proud citizen of the United States where we believe in the individuals right to determine their own destiny. This includes determining values at home, raising your own children and the right to your private property which you will use to pursue your own happiness. This is not selfishness, this is FREEDOM.

If you believe in America and the freedoms it offers, if you want to raise your own children, it is time to get involved or get your kids out of public schools. The "Whole Child" concept has a whole other agenda, and it is depriving your child of a good academic education- at the very least!

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