Saturday, 5 January 2013


I watched Nancy Pelosi shake her fist on the House floor and declare that she was "strengthening the middle class". WHAT?!!! The media did not call her out on this. The media have a little narrative that they want you to believe and tearing apart leftist lies is not part of that narrative. Essentially, they want you to vote for democrats so they go along with the lies and manipulations of the left. Kind of like the old soviet days when there was not truth in the press- just propaganda that the government wanted you to believe.Nancy is not strengthening the middle class, she is robbing them blind.It wasn't so long ago that the left were for the "poor"- they must have done a poll and found people responded better to "middle class". The press doesn't call them out on this slight of hand either. The liberal left can make it up as they go along- the press doesn't mind.

As Nancy's Environmental Protection Agency destroys jobs of all kinds from natural resource industries to small businesses that are taxed to death and strangled by government regulations and red tape,she increases the cost of everything the middle class needs to buy from gasoline to groceries to the heat they need to heat their houses.This is NOT strengthening the middle class Nancy.The press knows that we have to pay for heating assistance and green energy out of our heating bills,thereby increasing the cost for everyone, including the middle class. They know that the EPA is closing coal powered electric generating plants, thereby making it more expensive to heat your home. The press knows that the government is PRINTING MONEY (quantitative easing) and that this will ultimately cause huge inflation in everything you buy. They know that Obama's health care plan will cause your health care costs to go up as health insurance policies and medical equipment are taxed.Somebody's got to pay for 15,000 IRS agents who will enforce you having to buy insurance. The press knows the fiscal cliff is coming. America will default.The press just does not want to tell the story. It is no wonder that Speaker Boehner told Harry Reid to do something anatomically impossible to himself. Obama wanted more money to spend and WOULD NOT CUT ANYTHING!! The press did not want to tell that story. Their story was that the Republicans just did not want to tax the rich! If we start cutting now people will lose government jobs, government supported jobs (grants) and benefits and there will be pain, if we don't cut now EVERYONE will ultimately lose and the pain will be unfathomable.That is where Obama is taking this country.The press does not want to tell this story.The press wants you to think that losing government jobs and government supported jobs is a catastrophe, but losing jobs in the private sector for no reason, as in the San Joaquin Valley where they turned off the water and farmers and farm workers lost their jobs, does not matter- ditto for oil drilling and timbering jobs and so on.

The lies are breathtaking but the people who do it are confident that they will not be held accountable. They are so confident that the press will cover for them that they call things the opposite of what they are. ALEC which is an organization that advises legislators just came out for Common Core (surprise, surprise)- I wonder what THEIR pay off was- but no matter- here is what they said, "The decision to adopt Common Core is one that each state should have the liberty to make." WHAT?!! Of course the states can adopt any curriculum they want-THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER PUBLIC EDUCATION AS STIPULATED BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! ALEC makes it sound as if COMMON CORE IS GIVING THE STATES THEIR RIGHTS OVER EDUCATION!! A National Curriculum- with national testing- is now considered to be supporting "states rights"!! As I said before- it's no wonder that Speaker Boehner told Harry Reid to do something to himself that is anatomically impossible!! Low information voters are choosing our leaders for us and the press is directing the false story- GOD HELP US.

The lies are breathtaking but the people that do it are confident that they will not be held to task. They are so confident that the press will cover for them that they call everything the opposite of what it is. If they want to control you they call it "freedom" or "states rights". ALEC which is an organization that advises legislators just came out for Common Core (surprise, surprise). I wonder what THEIR payoff was- but no matter- here is what they said, "The decision to adopt Common Core is one that each state should have the liberty to make." WHAT?!!! Of course states can adopt any curriculum they want - the Federal Government has NO AUTHORITY OVER PUBLIC EDUCATION IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! ALEC makes it sound (and they are doing this deliberately) as if COMMON CORE IS GIVING THE STATES THEIR STATES RIGHTS OVER EDUCATION!! A National Curriculum with national testing is now to be considered "states rights". As I said before, it's no wonder that speaker Boehner told Harry Reid to go do something anatomically impossible to himself. Low information voters are choosing our leaders and the press is directing the false story - GOD HELP US.

1 comment:

  1. Breathe, Barbara! Breathe!

    You are so right, and so straightforward. We have got to find leaders at every level and get them in place starting today, not four years from now. That will be too late.
