Tuesday 30 August 2011


I just heard today from a neighbor that on the last day of school at CR Anderson middle school here in Helena, in the sixth grade, in sex education class (other wise known as health), students were asked to yell out names they knew for the male genitalia and then to yell out names they knew for female genitalia. You get the idea, cock, cunt, pussy and so on.

Why would they do this? I'm just betting that this idea came from some workshop. Can the health department really call this activity necessary for the children's health?

Unwed pregnancies are soaring as this culture of open sexuality is forced on innocent children- apparently in school! You have to ask why they feel it is necessary to take away all modesty and inhibitions that might protect young children from such encounters.

What really amazes me is that no parents are out there raising holy hell about this! Have they become desensitized to think they just have to put up with this? It's time to get our heads on straight. If you voted for Cherche Prezneau and Aiden Myhre in the last school board election you voted for people who endorse this behavior. They voted for the curriculum and didn't even ask what classes would be shortened or replaced.

Is this what the people of Helena really want? Do they really want their children in High Schools with sex clubs and middle schools where 11 year olds have to yell out cock and cunt in class? Maybe it's time for people to quit listening to propaganda and stereotyping and pay attention to what is really happening to their children in school!

Sunday 28 August 2011


     Perhaps you thought, as I once did, that the cold war was over and that Marxism had been sent to the dust bin of history as a totally failed idea. Well, not really. The Marxists are alive and well in America and are working in our schools to undermine our culture and way of life and replace capitalism with Marxism.

Personally I became shockingly aware of this after the Clinton's were elected in the early nineties and Goals 2000 was introduced into our schools by way of the "STRATEGIC PLAN". It's strategic alright. I was teaching at the time and what I saw was very frightening. I read about the gardens and the buddy programs and the community service. I saw how we weren't even allowed to say the word Christmas or sing Christmas carols. How patriotism was considered passe' at best and militaristic at worst. Everything was collectivism and social justice. I realized their goal was one world socialism but I have recently found out that at least some of the players want "International revolutionary COMMUNISM". Is there a difference?

The recent American Spectator magazine, September 2011 issue has an article on the "Ayers Gang". That would be Ayers as in Bill Ayers member of the Students For A Democratic Society(SDS) who bombed and killed people in the 1960's . After he and his wife, also a terrorist SDS member looking for violent over throw of the American Government, came out of hiding, Richard Daley, Cook County state's attorney let Ayers off with a slap on the wrist. The evidence against him was  unconstitutional because of illegal wiretaps (boy they sure like that old constitution when they get in a pickle, I can tell you the communist countries I visited in the 70's did not worry about illegal wiretaps!).But Bill still likes communism best, he's an unrepentant communist revolutionary- but he has a new angle.

In 1987 Bill found a job at the University of Illinois at Chicago teaching education. According to a report in the CITY JOURNAL he dreamed of bringing the revolution from the streets to the schools. " HE MADE NO BONES ABOUT THE FACT THAT SCHOOL REFORM WAS JUST A VEHICLE FOR TEACHING THE KIDS REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNISM". Ayers was elected Vice President for Curriculum Studies at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) where he would have considerable say as to what went into teacher-training manuals for colleges and  public schools.

Ayers, as you may know, has considerable association with Barack Obama going back to the late 80's when he reappeared in Chicago. In fact, in 1995 Bill Ayers and his wife\accomplice hosted a party for Barrack when he announced his candidacy for the Illinois state senate.

It's always just so much easier to put our heads in the sand and hope things get better. In my view no one who has any sense can put their head in the sand at this point . I saw this happening along time ago and I'm hoping others who do not want Capitalism in America replaced with Marxism will join with me to stop it.

Helena had a chance to replace at least a few school board members in the last election. It's time to get this done while we still have the right to speak and write about it . We still have the vote. We still can stop this train wreck that is propagandizing our children, taking away our freedoms and bankrupting this nation.

Friday 19 August 2011


I just can't stop thinking about the man who is so excited to find more students to give free food to- WHETHER THEY NEED IT OR NOT-at school. He was at the last School Board meeting as I reported on this blog.

When did we become a nation that looks for poverty and celebrates it instead of trying to end it as in Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty"? Where would this poor man's business for free food in the schools be if suddenly people could provide their own food ? Have we become a society that thrives on dependency instead of the hard working independent and FREE rugged individual? Are we teaching our children in school to thrive on dependency and to be proud of it? What ARE we teaching our children? What future do we have in mind for them?

Since the "War on Poverty" our nation has become a nation of addictions- drugs, alcohol, gambling, hoarding, prescription drugs. We had addictions before, but not like this- as far as I know, Meth wasn't even invented then. As we know, addicted people become dependent people more often then not. Unwed pregnancies have soared in this new era where waiting for marriage to have sex is almost unheard of. As we know, unwed pregnancies often lead to dependency. Is our new vision of freedom, which we are now teaching our children anarchy, Moral relativism that lacks dignity, integrity, modesty, and respect? While THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT minutely tries to regulate every thought and family value are they encouraging anarchy in this regulated society so that all the morals of yore are gone and the government is the answer for everything?

Having good schools and good moral upbringing is not really hard. Children and teachers are given the essential tools and students are taught discipline and respect by example, word and deed. Kind of like the old days when we had good scores and Montana was at the top in national academic testing.

There is so much to be excited about in the coming generations if we truly want America to succeed. Brain research is amazing, there's a lot more to learn but just think how are schools could be. Instead of spending time on social engineering for every special interest group like the gays and the socialists we could just spend our time teaching well. Then those students who had learning disabilities could have classes with real specialists that worked with them to overcome or adapt and unleash their real potentials, which are very great.

Instead of looking to the convoluted federal government we could simplify and do what works. We could teach achievement and independence. We could believe in ourselves, in America , in the future that we can make for ourselves instead of wallowing in every deficiency and allowing the deficiencies to control us and rob us of our destiny- our future. Instead of free everything (which is going away anyway as this nation and the world grapple with debt they can't pay) the rich the poor and everyone in between could find the pride and joy they once had of caring for themselves, of not believing because they are poor they can't find their own way, trumpeting America's greatness instead of her mistakes,the same mistakes that every society in the world has made.This vision can come true rather easily. It's up to us to stand up and give the federal government their PINK SLIP!

Tuesday 9 August 2011


I was at the School Board meeting tonight, August 9th, and I felt like I lived in a foreign country, one with no common sense, no understanding of fiscal realities, and no vision.

Programs and grants just seem to piggy back on one another and the net is seamless at the same time taking in every organization in town they can subdue. The new teachers will have their barbecue at Exploration Works and then take the tour train all over town stopping at all the places they connect with like Grand Street Theater, The Historical Society, the Capital Building and so on. The train ride will be paid for by the Chamber of Commerce. So don't try to criticize the schools, they've got everything in town professionally locked up. I wonder if they figured out this public relations maneuvering themselves? Or do you think they got professional advice from the Federal Government? I'll bet every town in America is the same- so you figure it out.

We got the food report tonight. The man presenting his business was so excited! He's increased breakfasts by 58,000 now that Bryant has breakfast during class. Everything is just so much more convenient that way- who would even consider time lost to instruction? Now that everyone at Bryant gets lunch irregardless of income he's increased lunches by 106,000! And now they get money for free snacks too! Business is booming! Who cares if the country is going broke! They feed 200 kids a day at the park in the summer too. Whoever knew we had so many starving children? You'd think we'd just see them passing out on the street. You don't think free things just sort of draw a crowd do you? And who cares if your teaching kids that food comes from the government and they grow up without initiative to care for themselves? Who cares if the government is going broke and these kids are going to be sorely disappointed when they grow up and find out this fairy tale isn't true?

On to more firms. Apparently they not only have firms to make sure you get every federal initiative planned at your schools, but they  also have hiring firms. It turns out this School Board can't do anything at all by themselves.They are hiring a firm to help them hire a new superintendent! The budget was presented and line itemed out so neatly- even had postage and internet and phone costs- but oops- no amount for hiring of firms. That just comes out of the building contingency fund and the boards spending money, as I was told when I asked. Turns out we may never know the costs of all these things.

And so on it goes. Parents look to have your 5th graders coming home knowing what anal, oral and vaginal sex are this year. It's in the new health curriculum on page 61 if you want to check it out on the school district web site. These caring people who pretend to have a vision for the future, think that schools used to be the hub of the society. Their vision for the future is of a past that never was. I believe the family is the hub of society, but then they can't control families and no one would get paid!